Sunday 22 May 2011

I'm in trouble!

My no. 1 daughter (I have only one daughter, but hey she's my no.1 girl) has ticked me off for not updating the blog recently. I did try to defend myself....too much work; it's coursework marking time;  I'm running loads of revision classes before school, in lunch hours and after school; I've fallen behind with my marking  etc etc etc.

None of it washed one iota! She's away at University and is forgetting what Arwen looks like! So here, for my no. 1 girl, and that matter for my no. 1 niece who keeps saying she wants to come sailing with her uncle, but whose mother never gets her to me so we can do it, are some photos of Arwen.

In case people think 'Gosh he's got rather ample all of a sudden' my defence....I am wearing a Buoyancy aid UNDER the jacket!

It has been frustrating though and I am desperate to get out with Arwen but weather and work have conspired against us somewhat in the last month or so.......but hey great news - the week after next is half term week and I am going to try and sneak up the river Tamar for two days and see if I can over night at Calstock. If I can do it, then I'll do it again with Dad in the summer.

this is my 'Rat's did I just leave the car keys in the car or
have I dropped them overboard?' look!

Arwen drawn up at East Portlemouth Beach
Taken on an old mobile phone
(HWMBO has allowed me to buy a new touch screen one - I'm slowly catching up with the 21st century - whoopee!)

In the meantime, I leave you with a couple of shots of my all time favourite animals (Alpacas) at this weekends Devon County Show (which this year, as always, was a fantastic event for the farming community of Devon and beyond).............. and of course some shots of Arwern which I don't think I've used yet on the blog.

'OH I say girls, I think our Matilda has just one first prize over that gaudy llama from Cornwall'

'Psst darlings, I think our moment to escape has one is looking at us....!'

'I'm sure it said 'conditioner' on the bottle!'

Riding at anchor off Cellars Beach in the mouth of the River Yealm

Mooring 79 and and overnight camp at Salcombe in the Kingsbridge estuary

Oh those horrible first days with sail creases and sagging jibs
all gone now thank heavens!

Keep checking in this week, I will be posting plans of my forthcoming half term sailing ideas.


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Thanks for taking a look at my blog. All comments and advice are welcome - drop me a few lines. You can always find videos about Arwen at Look forward to hearing from you.