Friday 15 April 2011

a nice afternoon on the water

Managed to snatch a couple of hours on the water this afternoon. It was murky and I almost didn't go but around mid day the sky attempted to brighten and so I took the risk. And I'm glad I did because the sun made an odd appearance through out the afternoon. High tide was 3.30pm BST and the wind was southerly and only a few knots.

I sailed up and down the length of the hoe foreshore and did some mooring on buoys which I slowly got better at. It is rather satisfying being able to moor on a buoy, sort out sails and then depart off that buoy by slipping the line and sailing off it.

It was a good shake down cruise giving me the opportunity to remind myself what went where. I still need to sort out the topping lift/lazy jack system. There is just too much string hanging off that sprit boom......very irritating.

Someone told me today there are a pod of 30 porpoise four miles offshore at the moment - so that's next weeks sailing sorted out....whoopee!


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