Wednesday 2 March 2011

new navigator builder blog discovered

I came across another navigator builders blog - you can access it here
I've also added it to the blog roll on the right hand side. My membership package from the Dinghy Cruising Association also arrived today. Their quarterly bulletin is outstanding especially if you are new to dinghy cruising. Joining the association I think will prove to be a smart move for me.

I checked in with Wilfried's blog as well - oh boy is that a meticulously built navigator or what. Perfection in woodworking craftsmanship - see his latest installment at

Wilfried's navigator - just look at that outstanding joinery
Copyright: Wilfried



  1. Hi Steve, "Guilford Boatyard" is the home for my Navigator. Not much action the last few months because Northern California has been getting a greater than normal amount of rain, it's not fun working with Epoxy in the 20-40 (F) range.

    The good news is that the weather is improving, my Boy Scout activities are leaving me some free time, and I'll be ready to start the rudder assembly soon.

    Hopefully I can get the boat on the water later this year.

    Mike Allison
    Prop. Guildford Boatyard :-)

    P.S. Wilfried does some beautiful work, doesn't he?

  2. hey mike - the weather is just plain wierd everywhere at the moment - your navigator looks great - good luck on getting it finished and yeas - Wilfried is inspirational isn't he

    take care


Thanks for taking a look at my blog. All comments and advice are welcome - drop me a few lines. You can always find videos about Arwen at Look forward to hearing from you.