Friday 11 March 2011

.........mysterious bubbles.........

I’ve reported on developments in Studland Bay before......and on that occasion upset some people. Hopefully this blog won’t offend. It would appear that mysterious gas bubbles are causing parts of Studland Bay to become dangerously aerated and this could affect the buoyancy of larger yachts.

aerial of the Studland area - you can see the extensive eel grass beds

It’s been dubbed the 'Purbeck triangle’ and it’s the same area as that suffering the controversial debate about a ‘no anchoring zone’ and designation as a marine conservation area. It seems that Dihydrogen Monoxide, a type of methane gas is causing a ‘Jacuzzi’ effect. This is similar to an effect discovered in the Bermudan triangle. There is documented research that shows that Dihydrogen Monoxide comes from decaying sea horse bodies under eel grass beds....and these have built up over thousands of years.

boats enjoying Studland

So whilst the majority of sailors have been observing the voluntary no anchoring zone in Studland Bay, they are about to face a temporary mandatory no anchor order at the beginning of April.

And this isn’t a ‘wind up’ and nor is it a secret attempt by ‘dragon headed conservationists’ to get a no anchoring zone through the back door!  Just in case some might accuse me of bias!



  1. I dont think Dihydrogen Monoxide is a gas! I think you'll find it's a colourless odourless tasteless liquid that kills thousands every year ..... also known as ..... WATER!

    Aren't you a bit early for April 1st?

  2. Forgot to say I love your blog but more pics of Arwen from every angle please.

  3. Steve:

    I am a little confused how "dihydrogen monoxide" (H2O) is a type of methane gas (CH4).

    Would you be able to clarify this a bit? ;)

    God bless!

  4. well done guys!
    It's a clever wheez! It was a clever bit of thinking by Yachting Monthly staff published in their April edition which has just come out.

  5. with regard to more pictures of arwen - i'll do my best. this blog is about arwen and my sailing adventures in her...but during the winter months in the Uk - its sometimes too cold and blustery to go out safely in her. Then i fill the blog with stuff about maintanence, stories from the world of sailing; reviews of books I'm reading etc.
    Blogging is new to me and I guess I am finding my way a little......but you are right - perhaps a little more content about Arwen during the winter months would be better. with spring fast approaching - I'll be out sailing in her soon and there will be more photos, reports and films. This year the films will be shorter in length but more of them - blog readers don't have several minutes to watch a film - so more numerous shorter, higher quality clips will be the aim this year

  6. Any chance of a few pics or video of how Arwen is rigged?

    I'm still sorting out my Nav (as yet unnamed) so looking out for any and all info available.


  7. rob - i'll do my best over next few weeks to put some up - I actually don't have many of arwen and her rigging - silly really - never thought of doing that before. Three videos i found really helpful were Kevin's slipjig one's - navigator rigging 1,2 and 3 on my right hand side bar

    i'll try and post some more of arwen over next few weeks as i bring her up ship shape for this season


  8. Thanks Steve,

    Yes, seen/read/watched everything and every link on your blog at least five times .... just can't keep away.

    Best wishes,



Thanks for taking a look at my blog. All comments and advice are welcome - drop me a few lines. You can always find videos about Arwen at Look forward to hearing from you.