Saturday 26 March 2011

....its looking good.......

Arwen is packed. She is on the road. She is hitched up to the car. Everything is tied down. The waterproofs have been dug out. Fresh batteries put in the handheld VHF and GPS. Done a quick trip over to Salcombe today to take a look around.
Have done my marking, performance management review and lesson planning this afternoon. Having calculated that the hours I could work on my 'outreach role' since September 2010 were 166 hrs and I've clocked up 193.5 hrs, I feel its time to take back some time for myself.
And so, for the first time ever during a normal school week, I am going to be a rebel!

I am going sailing on a Sunday, instead of working all through it.

This is a first. It has never happened before. It probably won't ever happen again. I shall feel guilty, I will need serious counselling. Seriously! After all I am a British teacher and as all British teachers know........we always work on Sundays!

Sadly, I cannot ever recall never working on a Sunday before during term time, and I've been teaching 27 years. Wow!



  1. You go Steve! Let loose the rebel slacker inside you! (Just hope you can get him back inside.)


  2. that's the trouble with being a public begin to think about all you could be doing more for exam groups......and before you know it....there goes another sunday....!


Thanks for taking a look at my blog. All comments and advice are welcome - drop me a few lines. You can always find videos about Arwen at Look forward to hearing from you.