Saturday 5 February 2011

When God gave us maple syrup – he neglected to tell us he’d given us the elixir of life....and he left us to discover it for ourselves!

One of life’s deliciously simple pleasures goes like this...........a Saturday morning with nothing to do...daughter at University, son sorting himself out and taking himself off on a practice expedition walk with school friends. The wife and I can have a lie in and a lazy start to the day; poddling off to get the Saturday papers and then a short car trip to the Barbican and to Monty’s!

Monty's on the historic Barbican

Ah, Monty’s........a little cafe on the historic Barbican opposite the little Sutton Pool marina. Here they will let you sit with huge Latte’s reading the papers and breakfasting on pancake stacks with bacon rashers and crispy chopped lettuce, sweet peppers and tomatoes............served up with a side dish of............maple syrup.

the only thing missing is that sublime side salad
copyright: Flickr Squishy

You drizzle it over the shuffle bacon, pancake and crisp lettuce into a little parcel and raise it to your mouth..................its perfection! Couple that with looking over the top of the papers at your gorgeous wife, remembering why you love her so much and then burying yourself in the latest book and film reviews in one of the supplements; all to the tune of wind whistling through rigging and the little bobs and curtsies of boats at mooring pontoons.

on the mooring pontoons in Sutton Harbour marina
Copyright Athenaeumlodge

What a way to start a weekend after a hectic work week schedule!
And then it’s a stroll back through historic cobbled streets with old warehouses converted to little hidden cellar bistros; a quick look at the boats moored up and a lazy day.

early morning opposite the converted warehouses
copyright: redbubble

the barbican fish quay 100 years ago
copyright cyber heritage

the old fish market has closed and a purpose built one has been built on the opposite site of the marina: the old railway tracks can still be seen in some can the old mooring bollards
(copyright fotolibrary)

copyright: goodtime webshots

It makes up for the crushing disappointment of Wales losing to England last night at the Millennium Stadium! And then its choices – no one wants me to run them anywhere; no one wants anything done around the house......oh my – time to myself – what shall I do?

Is it too wet to do the starboard side gunwale on Arwen? Yep! It's a gale out there!

Shall I do some chart work, UNDISTURBED, at the kitchen table – dreaming and planning summer trips to the sounds of Andrea Bocelli?

Oh yes – sounds like a plan! I am so easily pleased!    
Have a great day folks!


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