Tuesday 22 February 2011

still in shock.....

Bloody hell - £75 for the servicing of my tohatsu 3.5HP outboard!

£45 for basic service + then VAT; then a new twist lock pin (fair enough the other was broken); £8 for gear oil; £1.20 for lube; a new spark plug and other minor bits like a shear pin replacement.
Wow! I have to learn how to service my own outboard from now on!

"Didn't he say £45?"
"Nope he definitely said £75"
"Are they allowed to do that?"
"Do what?"
"Con mugs with no mechanical experience!"

Oh and I managed to make a sleeping board to go across one side of the aft cockpit; it's just drying off

£75 - I'm traumatised!


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