Monday 17 January 2011

a new blog

John has decided to try blogging for himself - brilliant - you can access it here
Go have a look at the boat that John has!

Well done John.  He has also said in his JWbuilders forum, that over next few weeks he will try and update a blog on the UK backyard boat builders blog forum about 'sailing the navigator' - that forum can be accessed here and is great news for all UK builders of John's designs. (I'm really looking forward to his tips - I need all the help I can get). The UK forum is accessed here

The logo of this very good UK forum on John's designs: its rather snazzy I think - Like it.

I have to confess I have only just come across this UK based forum...and I can't quite remember how I got to find it in the first place........but it is good and illuminating. I feel slightly ashamed that it first opened in October 2008 and its taken me two years to suddenly come across it - sorry guys! There are some talented UK builders here and you can actually purchase John's plans from the site as well. Mike, the moderator and producer of the forum says
"Whether you are simply daydreaming about building your first boat (we all start that way, don't we?), are part way through building one and need some help or guidance, or already have a backyard built boat or two on the water, all are welcome here. And all may take away from the site whatever information they may wish to glean from it."

There are some really good building blogs and some excellent photograph albums and it really does encourage all UK builders, primarily but not exclusively of John's designs. Now there are two excellent sources of help and advice about building and sailing John's designs and I will regularly access them both; hopefully make some small contribution that their members will hopefully find useful; and occasionally report back on this blog how I have taken their tips/advice and tried it out in Arwen

My thanks to Mike and John for all their hard work and efforts.....when you are new to building and sailing - its guys like this giving up their time and advice freely which help you to learn fast and well.


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Thanks for taking a look at my blog. All comments and advice are welcome - drop me a few lines. You can always find videos about Arwen at Look forward to hearing from you.