Saturday 4 December 2010

a nifty idea

Whilst catching up with what is happening out there I came across this really nifty idea for a tiller tamer which I will now do over the winter on Arwen - I found it at Jon's site which you can access here

It really is quite simple and clever. I, like Jon, have found that using the mizzen to actually lie head to wind hasn't been easy and as soon as I move around the boat the balance shifts and so the main sheet doesn't lie along the centre line. Maybe I've been doing it wrong but securing the tiller in this way is certainly a step in the right direction - nice one Jon - thank you!



  1. Steve, glad this may be useful. I found the idea on Duckworks several years ago but wasn't able to find the article recently so can't give credit where it is due.

    I will post an update soon on how it performs and will hopefully have a few pictures of a more elegant way to secure the lines.


  2. hi Jon - actually I quite like the way you have it now

    i have a similar arrangement which isn't as effective - because i have vertical side panels whihc form back rests and coamings - my access to each side bit of transom is limited slightly but i like what ytou've done and with some minor modifications I can do it on Arwen. thanks for teh tip and a Merry Christmas to you and your lovely family

  3. I found an even easier way of doing this and all you need is a bit of rope. Google "cajun tiller tamer" for info, or look here:


Thanks for taking a look at my blog. All comments and advice are welcome - drop me a few lines. You can always find videos about Arwen at Look forward to hearing from you.