Tuesday 7 December 2010

do you ever wake up in the night........

with little niggles.....things that start worrying you and grow out of all proportion?  I've woken up for several nights now with a little fear which is growing in my mind....and I can't shake it loose.......have I put on so much weight recently that a) I will not fit inside Angharad...and b) if I do fit inside.........she'll sink and water will flood into the cockpit across the deck?

I blame my Mother - she saw me recently after a spell of not seeing me and remarked 'darling you really must lose weight'

Gee - thanks Mum! Now look what you've started - rampant paranoia! And a vision I can't shake loose.........I'm at the slip at Queen Anne's battery; everyone has turned up to celebrate the launch of Angharad...they are lining the pontoons; I sit in her, push off and..................gurgle gurgle gurgle! I sink never to resurface again!



  1. Hi Steve, spending the down time away from the shed catching up on the last six months - impressed with Angharad, she is looking great. As for sinking her on her maiden voyage fear not, unless you are seriously into excessively chubby territory she will amaze you with her carrying capacity (that was why I let Chris Partridge of Rowing for Pleasure take the maiden trip in Stangarra, I reckon he is a tad heavier than I and we are both on the weighty side so if she carried him then I should be reasonably secure!) What I am looking foreward to with intense interest is your report of the first boarding of Arwen from Angharad, I have yet to find a graceful way of exiting Stan even with half an inch of water under her, the thought of attempting to board another boat with lots of fathoms under the keel is truly horrifying. Having somebody around to video the happening would be very educational for the rest of us.
    All the best

  2. hey chris - good to hear from you and happy new year.

    yeah - exiting a canoe is an interesting experience - i used to be a canoe instructor for a time - never quite mastered it then; i'm expecting to get wet! boarding arwen isnt my first issue - exiting her into angharad is......i'll have my sone stand by with a video camera - it will keep him amused for hours!



Thanks for taking a look at my blog. All comments and advice are welcome - drop me a few lines. You can always find videos about Arwen at www.youtube.com/c/plymouthwelshboy. Look forward to hearing from you.