Saturday 25 September 2010

Steve's back

Steve's back with Spartina. He'll update his blog in next few days at

be sure not to miss his comments, observations or stunning photos....talking of which here is one which Steve took on his trip....I guess it was getting a tad windy then!

Steve, hope you don't mind me pinching one of  your photos and using it to make link to your site



  1. Steve,
    thanks for the mention, pinch all the photos you want. I'll start the log in a couple of days.
    Do you have time/weather for another trip this year?

  2. hey steve - glad y ou had a good trip

    not sure - weather has suddenly turned very cold in UK - almost frsot conditions this weekend which is far earlier than normal; we normally get an indian summer around now but its not looking like that...our summer came very early this year - april/may time

    i'm hoping to get another couple of smaller trips in - one up the tamar and lynher; another possibly up the dart - but i have to check out launch sites for that one. despite it being one of our most famous rivers and one with our royal navy training college on it - there aren't as many accessible ramps as one might think....hey ho!
    anyway looking forward to the blog updates.....and all being well - I'll be able to blog a couple more tyrips over teh next few weeks

    steve welsh guy in plymouth UK


Thanks for taking a look at my blog. All comments and advice are welcome - drop me a few lines. You can always find videos about Arwen at Look forward to hearing from you.