Tuesday 17 August 2010

second part of day one voyage plymouth to salcombe

Hello everyone and thanks for the kind comments posted recently about my day one voyage from Plymouth to Salcombe. You can see part 2 of that day's voyage and overnight on-board camp at this link here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ai9-kioRyI0

I'm just writing up my summary of day two......it is giving me much to muse over as you will see in a couple of days time when I post it.......day two didn't go according to plan........and......well frankly I've been reliving bits of it over and over again in my mind.........sometimes you make really silly decisions which you look back on and wonder how the hell you didn't apply common sense and all your mountaineering experience and skills to arrive at a safer decision.........still I did say in my lead up post to the trip about being 'cautiously over-ambitious!'

Hope you enjoy part 2 video clip of day one......there isn't much video of day two believe me so make the most of this one!

Take care


Look what I got moored up next to in Salcombe - isn't she a fantastic restoration?
I know........I've shown the picture before.....but....wow! I just love this boat!

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Thanks for taking a look at my blog. All comments and advice are welcome - drop me a few lines. You can always find videos about Arwen at www.youtube.com/c/plymouthwelshboy. Look forward to hearing from you.