Tuesday 31 August 2010


Angharad is the new 'stickleback canoe' I'm building as a small tender for Arwen.....she's featured in a previous post. Progress has been slow finishing her with one or two disasters on the way. Below is a shot of what a well built one looks like - this one was built by Adrian Gingell and was on display at Beale Park boat show this year.

Iain Oughtred's Stickleback canoe design built by Adrian Gingell - what a stunner!

Today was a good day - I managed to coat the gunwales with Deks Ojie - several coats as they dried nicely in the sunshine. Also managed to give a final coat of International Toplac White to the interior and the outer coaming. so she is now drying in the garage......all that has to be done now is
a) primer coat on hull
b) several top coats of Toplac burgundy colour to match the sheer plank of Arwen on hull
c) four more varnish coats to deck area
d) putting on some side ropes around deck
e) putting on painters at each end

.......oh yes.......and finding some cheap double blade kayak paddles.........sort of a necessity really!
I'll leave this post with another shot of Adrian's stunning canoe......

The one year I don't go to Beale...........and the sun is actually shining!



  1. Good to hear of progress, - I reckon you have just about got time to finish Angharad and help create a shoal of Sticklebacks at the HBBR Cotswold meet 11/12th Sept. Adrian's 'Lekker Ding' and my 'Stangarra' will both be there on the Saturday.
    Thanks for an entertaining few hours

  2. hey chris - how are you doing?
    it was your stangarra at beale that started me off on angharad.....sadly with a number of disasters on the way - i built arwen - you'd think i'd learned a thing or two on the way....but poor angharad has just had continual problems - bless her

    i was thinking about cotswold meet - but i suspect i'm on my way to uni with my daughter to settle her in that weekend....so may have to wait until next hbbr meet



Thanks for taking a look at my blog. All comments and advice are welcome - drop me a few lines. You can always find videos about Arwen at www.youtube.com/c/plymouthwelshboy. Look forward to hearing from you.