Wednesday 7 July 2010

checking out Salcombe

I'm off in Salcombe all next week and so popped across late this afternoon to check things out one more time and to meet a few people to discuss strategies etc. Managed to get a few photographs whilst over there.........enjoy!

People getting ready for a dinghy race at one of the slipways
I think these are 'Merlin' dinghies

All pointing head to wind

They appear to be light and probably quite fast I should think

As I walked around to the office, I came across this brace of beauties

One of the lovely little boat building sheds that back onto the creek

Not 100% sure but I think this is one of the Salcombe yawls
Hope he has that securely tied off somewhere

Arrived along the town front just in time to see one of the Merlins tacking up the small creek

He was pretty content just to watch the world drift by

Locals plied back and forth.....moving the myriad of hire inflatables.....

......that congregate like an impenetrable grey pathway behind the Whitestrand Pontoon

The South Sands ferry comes and goes on the top of the tide..........

........watched over by the might of the Salcombe RNLI lifeboat.............

..whilst at the moorings..all the little boats just bobbed about on the tide!


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