Tuesday 8 June 2010

Congratulations to Osbert

Congratulations to Osbert on the launch of his new 'walkabout' boat. You can get to the pictures of his launch via this link.


I've occasionally corresponded with Osbert via John welsford's yahoo builders forum; and I've also followed Osbert's postings on the Dinghy cruising association yahoo forum as well.
I have found Osbert to be a really reflective thinker who asks thought provoking questions; someone who has, in my humble opinion, excellent boat building skills and who is not afraid to think outside the box or to challenge convention. He has really made me think about what I do. He has an ability to articulate things so concisely....I know he has been a very popular message poster on both forums (well he's popular with me!!)

Anyway, his boat looks fantastic.....and I hope he gets all the enjoyment and more that I (and many of you who have built your own boats) get from sailing Arwen around Plymouth. It's kind of a great feeling isn't sailing the boat that you have built yourself.

Congratulations Osbert  - job well done and thanks for all the inspiration and thought provoking discussion!



  1. Hi Steve

    Many thanks for the kind words and good wishes. I've only just found your blog - don't know how I missed it before.

    Arwen's looking great and you seem to be getting on well together! Well done.

    All the best


  2. you are welcome Osbert - a really nice looking boat and blog - enjoyed it. thanks for kind comments - have fun - stay in touch



Thanks for taking a look at my blog. All comments and advice are welcome - drop me a few lines. You can always find videos about Arwen at www.youtube.com/c/plymouthwelshboy. Look forward to hearing from you.