Tuesday 11 May 2010

Don't know why it's taken me this long to set up a blog!

It seems soooooooo long ago since our maiden voyage together......trying desperately to work out which strings to pull to get that awful crease out of the sail. Its at times like that ...that being part of the John Welsford yahoo forum really paid off. A quick email and not only John replied but also other navigator builders too......and they have all had one problem or another....easily solved by the joint wisdom within the group. 

Since that launch I've clocked up some miles sailing around Plymouth Sound honing my boat handling skills. I haven't ventured past the breakwater yet.....but hey summer is coming and my skills are getting better...helped by doing RYA dinghy sailing level 1 and 2 courses....and of course by a brilliant designed boat that is very forgiving of her master's calamitous efforts!

Anyway, the aim of this blog is to act as a simple log of the journeys Arwen and I make. Self indulgent really - sorry! If you would like to see Arwen on an early voyage click on the video link. My sister is smiling because she knows nothing about sailing and therefore didn't realise what peril she was in and what lousy sail setting was being done by her older brother! If you want to find out more about the boat design......then click on the website link opposite. Please be forgiving with my video clips. They are made in windows moviemaker...and my first attempts at filming and editing.

Anyway, the front garden has been dug out and a new driveway installed and Arwen is about to be bought back from Queen Anne's Battery Marina where they have been kindly storing her whilst builders lay paving bricks these last two weeks. Can't wait to get her back..........it's like part of me has been missing!

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Thanks for taking a look at my blog. All comments and advice are welcome - drop me a few lines. You can always find videos about Arwen at www.youtube.com/c/plymouthwelshboy. Look forward to hearing from you.