Saturday 15 May 2010

Arwen's back on the drive at long last

She's back at long last where she belongs when not in the water.....on the front drive. Poor Arwen, stuck amongst the big boys, all under wraps. Queen Anne's Battery have looked after her well but I had to keep popping down every three days to check that she was still there safely under wraps. It was a 'piece of mind' thing.

Arwen under tarpaulins at QAB in Plymouth

I raced to get her temporary covers off - I'm saving up to have some proper canvas fitted ones made with click buckles which will save so much time in the future when taking her to the launch site........I spend ages untying bits of string from the boat trailer. She has three tarpaulins on so that water doesn't leak through. It drives me mad!

Anyway, the sun came out, the temperatures rose and she a butterfly............OK I'm sad.....but hey it took me three years to build this dad and my father-in-law, two men \I admire most.....laid the keelson and first planks. My kids helped sand and paint her......there's a lot of love in Arwen.........its different when  you've built your own boat isn't it.

Arwen unwrapped and in the sun again

Arwen's trailer is made by 'degraaf trailers' It's adjustable so that if \I ever build a pathfinder, I've already got the trailer.....not that I can see that happening.........I'm too smitten by Arwen!

By the way, if you enlarge this photo, please ignore the very obvious paint dribbles on the port side of transom............I know if I was a decent craftsman with some self pride - I'd sand it all down and repaint it......but hey a little secret........'life's too short'......and we should all be out SAILING!


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