Saturday 16 March 2013

Thanks Joel

Joel has come to the rescue ............ Again!
These are his mast cradles. And they are exactly what I was thinking of. Joel sent me this photo of his.

Well done Joel and thank you. Much appreciated. To go to Joel's site go to

Mast cradles for transport

A vexing question. How do I best transport mast, mizzen and sails on Arwen when towing her?
Up to now I have had something similar to that used by Daveejay on his navigator 'korora' but I only made a rough set and they are starting to fall apart and need replacing.
At present I rest the masts on cushions on the coaming fore and aft and tie them down. It works but it takes time tying them on and off.

Dave's cradles and his lovely navigator can be found here 

So do I go with something similar again or could I try this method which I have sketched on the iPad. It would rest across the coatings fore and aft and the front of he masts and sails would then rest on a similar cradle whose vertical post would slot into the mast hole on the front deck. I if anyone has some advice or tips on best way to carry mast etc; or which of the two methods I have mentioned he is best.......then do please let me know as I'd like to make the cradles ready in time for Easter........which is only two weeks away!
